阿宾顿 professor supports teachers who instruct displaced Ukrainian children


Senyshyn深重应用语言学副教授 传播艺术与科学 at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, provided strategies to teachers of English language learners at Anne Frank Elementary School in Philadelphia. 

图片来源:Regina Broscius

阿宾顿,爸爸. — A 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 professor led professional development sessions for teachers at a Philadelphia public elementary school to help them refine their instruction of Ukrainian students who are in the United States due to the war with Russia. 

Senyshyn深重应用语言学副教授 传播艺术与科学, worked with teachers at Anne Frank Elementary School in Northeast Philadelphia, 一个包括来自阿宾顿学校的学生的团体 小学及幼儿教育专业 谁正在完成学校的学生教学要求.  

“It is critical to the success of the children from Ukraine that we provide equity in language and content learning in math, 语言艺术, 社会研究以及社会和情感支持,“Senyshyn, 在乌克兰出生长大的人, 说. 

She brought her expertise in teaching English as a second language to life through the story of her 8-year-old niece who arrived in the United States last spring from Ukraine. The child’s positive academic experience here served as the centerpiece for the professional development sessions.  

Senyshyn acknowledged that accommodating assorted English language learner (ELL) levels in the classroom is challenging due to the students’ varying experiences, noting that some displaced Ukrainian children may have been out of school since the war began in early 2022. She suggested developing lessons for students who are most proficient and then making the lessons accessible to all by modifying the assignments. 

“在乌克兰,一些新来者可能会说一些英语, but it’s still very challenging because they didn’t have to use the language all day, 每一天. 他们需要时间来回应,而且他们听到的英语越多, 他们就会越投入到课堂中,”她说。. 

Senyshyn 说 learning about the ELL's prior content knowledge is critical to their success since language-rich subjects such as social studies are often a challenge. 

“与数学, 欧洲比美国高一级, 我的侄女, 例如, had the content knowledge and all she needed was the math-related language to accompany it,”她说。. 

Senyshyn reinforced the level of stress ELLs experience by telling the story of her niece crying in school and the teacher who was concerned it was due to trauma from the war in Ukraine.  

“事实证明,我的侄女在学校很沮丧,不知所措, 但她无法与她的老师交流,”她说。, noting it took the 8-year-old about eight weeks to settle into the academic environment. 

Senyshyn highlighted 10 ways all teachers can support English language learners: 

  • Provide a welcoming attitude and social-emotional support by staying positive and offering guidance and a safe space for students to share their stories when they are ready.  

  • Build collaboration and engagement by pairing ELLs with conversation buddies, 最好是能说母语的人. 教师和辅导员应该协同工作来支持新来者. 

  • Ask the ELLs to teach you and other students some words in their home language.  

  • Explicitly teach the daily routine to the ELLs by making them familiar with common classroom phrases and places in the school. 

  • Have the ELLs work in small groups with other students because it doesn’t require as much confidence as large group interaction. 

  • Make inputs (what ELLs hear and read) comprehensible by making them visual and interactive and by using body language and modeling. 

  • 尊重“静默期”.不要强迫他们说话,但一定要让他们参与到活动中来. Trauma may impact the length of the silent period so allow time for them to think about the question before expecting a response 

  • 使用句子框架来教授学术语言(例如:I agree with....). 

  • 使用双语评估. 

  • Communicate with parents frequently in their home language using a translation app or, 如果用英语说, 使用基本句子. 

Several of the 15 阿宾顿 student teachers at Anne Frank are working toward the 教育专业的ESL认证 Senyshyn的坐标. 

“The ESL certification is an additional endorsement for education majors as they complete their degrees. 这些学生在和ELLs一起工作时准备得稍好一些, 他们在安妮弗兰克获得实践经验,”她说。. 

Other 阿宾顿 student teachers have enrolled in a course Senyshyn teaches that offers an overview of English language learners, 为他们提供支持ELLs的背景资料和策略. 

"We want to support 阿宾顿 students beyond the classroom so when they are practicing teachers, 他们有策略可以依靠. 这就像医生一样,没有人会马上做手术. Students shouldn’t feel alone because they have us supporting them,”她说。. 


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